How to Cite
Urán Arenas, O. A. (2013). Citizen committment political movement in the city of Medellin: Between civic utopia and potitical pragmatic. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 15(1), 237–264. Retrieved from


Omar Alonso Urán Arenas
Universidad de Antioquia


This work deals with the origins, evolution and dissolution of the political movement Compromiso Ciudadano (Citizen Commitment), which ruled the city of Medellin for two consecutive periods from 2004 to 2011. The  article progress in: i) showing how great part of the ‘success’ –and other less publicized results– of the recent Government in the city of Medellin are due in large part to a double collective process: a) social movements  and social resistance before fear and violence and b) comprehensive and creative social interaction between different sectors of social classes that articulated and redefined the utopic and the pragmatic of the political  action in the City Government, particularly in its versions of democratic left and liberal republicanism; and ii)  indicating the difficulties, limits and potential of both rationalities (utopic and pragmatic) in building a  democratic city and urban development political project in a national context of political realignments that,  eventually, lead to the spread of this movement members around the different center-left and center-right  offerings that have always surrounded it.

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