How to Cite
Uribe Castro, H. (2011). Fears and uncertainty in the city as a mark of capitalist world-economy. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 13, 157–180. Retrieved from


Hernando Uribe Castro
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente


This reflection article aims to understand how in the capitalist society, the city becomes an important  element for the reproduction of surplus capital, as it is the central focus of market forces (legal and illegal)  and the State forces, which together determine to a large extent the urban functional and organizational  form. Besides these forces, there exists society, who tries to survive in such cities, trying to adjust to the  dynamics that are wangled by the market and the State forces. The residents of this city, a result of these  forces, participate in the enforcement, where fear and uncertainty feelings are promoted by the dynamics of  the system. A system which, from its control centers, is promoting migration, urban agglomeration and high  density in the cities as mechanisms for achieving economic growth and development. The theoretical bases  of this article are supported by the contributions of the perspective proposed by Immanuel Wallersteinon  “about Modern World- System,” the social movements of Manuel Castells,and the Marxist-radical geography  by Marxist DavidHarvey. Methodologically, the documentary analysis was used in this article, from the review  of official reports of administrative organizations and agencies, as well as from the state of the art of urban  studies in Colombia and Latin America. This was accompanied of a deep and wide literature review of the  main authors: Wallerstein, Harvey and Castells.

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