How to Cite
Restrepo, E. (2011). Subordinated antropologies and globalization. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 13, 29–39. Retrieved from


Eduardo Restrepo
Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá


The capacity we have nowadays to send information from one corner of the globe to another within fractions of a second is unprecedented. The digitalization of books, journals and articles data bases has made it  possible to examine and contrast vast amounts of information coming from different parts of the world in a  way was not possible to do a few decades ago. The increasing amount and composition of academic events  has augmented the number of destinations and frequencies of travels in which we interact with colleagues  from a variety of countries. Some people believe that these changes have implied the democratization of  anthropology in the sense that they allow for the visibility of anthropological traditions and anthropologists  from peripheral institutions in the South that had traditionally been silenced. This paper will not only  examine the extent to which we are actually witnessing the visibility of sobordinated anthropologies, but it  will also discuss some of the most relevant problems and dilemmas that this visibility would bring about for  the hegemonic anthropological establishment and for the subordinated anthropologies themselves.

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