How to Cite
Lozano Rivera, C. E. (2014). Urban deterioration and cognition: towards an analysis of fragmentary spaces. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 16(2), 151–167. Retrieved from


Camilo Ernesto Lozano Rivera
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This paper presents a theoretical characterization of deterioration, which can be applied to anthropological  analysis of urban spaces. Although the application of this characterization contains a degree of  arbitrariness  when choosing which guidelines should a space meet to be considered in deterioration, it is oriented towards the analysis of the configuration potential that spaces in deterioration present in relation with conventional  spaces in the city. In this sense, for the definition of deterioration, the presence of a knowledgeable person  who creates representations of space from underlying processes, this is to say cognitive processes, becomes  important. Thus, starting from a theoretical characterization, a framework of inquiry is exposed in this paper  to analyze the configuration of the urban space within a transactional system, reassessing the positive nature  of deterioration from the city in general and the role that cognition has in the definition of  deterioration and its representations.

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