The Lima culture developed between 200 and 700 A.D. and is located between the Chanchay and Lurin valleys in Peru. They had several governmental and ceremonial centers including the architectural complex known as Huaca Pucllana, located in Lima, which was built and inhabited between 450 and 700A.D. The construction was constant during the years of activity, generating extensions and modifications in the structures. For this, adobes were used as the main construction unit, which were elaborated by hand in large quantities. For this reason, and in order to study the composition of the adobe units, a group of them was taken to the Soil Mechanics Laboratory at Universidad Nacional Agraria “La Molina”. The units were subjected to three types of analysis: resistance to unconfined compression, granulometry and organic matter content. The purpose of these tests lies in the need to know and understand the proportions of soil particles used in the elaboration of adobes as well as the qualities of blocks obtained throughout the period of use of the huaca. In the experimentation phase, standardized laboratory tests were applied but adapted to this type of adobes, considering them as soil. The results found show a variation of qualities according to the age of each block that could be a parameter to consider when studying the splendor and decadence indicators of the inhabitants of Huaca Pucllana. On the other hand, the results could help in terms of conservation activities and protection of the complex against climatic agents. Finally, it is important to highlight that the research was carried out by a multidisciplinary team formed by archaeologists and an agricultural engineer. Thanks to the exchange of knowledge, experiences and different points of view, a broader panorama of construction in ancient Peru is offered.
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