This article shows how the indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon, although they start from specific identities that are always a relational result, are articulated in extensive sociocultural networks that can even exceed their affiliation to linguistic families. It appeals to indigenous arguments about their identity and the relationship of social, economic and ritual exchange between different groups, on which the production and reproduction of their societies and cultures depend. This rests on precise principles of social organization that constitute the warp of the fabric of socio-cultural networks that, however, are not carried out in a homogeneous way and could even manifest themselves in different ways, whose flexibility allows the expansion of their exchange relationships. This article illustrates such networks between groups of the linguistic families of the Eastern Tucano of Vaupés, the People from the Center who speak Witoto, Bora and Andoke languages and who inhabit the middle course of the Caquetá and Putumayo rivers, and the people of the Mirití-Paraná River and lower Apaporis that include indigenous peoples who speak the Eastern Tucano and Northern Maipure Arawak languages.
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