How to Cite
Abbondanza, E. (2008). Yaqui Issue vs. Yori Issue: The other side of the nation -building process. Northeastern Mexico (1890-1909). Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 10, 221–252. Retrieved from


Ermanno Abbondanza
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM


Beyond their origins and their substantial peculiarities, nation-building processes are always the expression of evident processes and of others less visible. A political, economic, social and cultural dialectics which takes  place both regionally and federally entails complex inclusion/exclusion procedures of the different actors  that compose the social fabric. Hence, it is important to study in depth not just the history of evident facts, but  also the specific back stages, in order to show particular networks of hidden political-economic interests and  socio-cultural aspirations. It’s the case of northwestern Mexico, where in the late nineteenth century and the  beginning of the next century, a fight without quarters against an indigenous community of the area, the  Yaqui. But beyond being a mere territorial claim and indigenous autonomy conflict, the  “Yaqui issue” ended  up becoming a Yori Issue, in which the difficult dialogue between center and periphery was specified, on one  hand, by the adoption of different resolutions to satisfy national “superior interests”; and on the other, by the upkeep of contradictory attitudes of different social actors to defend (or to reach) regional political power  and economic control.

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Otras fuentes bibliográficas

Archivo General del Estado de Sonora, AGES, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.

Archivo General de la Nación, AGN, Distrito Federal, México.

Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, CONDUMEX, Distrito Federal, México.

Hemeroteca Nacional, Distrito Federal, México.


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