DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2021.23.2.9
How to Cite
Anta Félez, J.-L. . (2021). The backpacker body. Metaphors in the contemporary mobility. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 23(2), 186–202.


José-Luis Anta Félez
Universidad de Jaén
Perfil Google Scholar


This work of reflection lays the foundations of the subsumed traveling body in a backpack, which gives rise to a new biocorporality: the backpacking body.
We lay the foundation for what the backpack object is, and what is its basic context walking and making the way. Thinking about the backpacking body we
observe it in the reality of different paths: firstly, in a material order, from the backpack on the way to Santiago to that given in the path of the great sports exploits; but also in the ideational order, from the backpacking body as aspiration of the journey through the world in the form of a capitalist order, to the backpack as a baggage in the walk of life. 

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