How to Cite
Pool Cab, M. N. (2015). Daily life studies in archaeology. The case of a domestic mayan group in the classic period. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(2), 153–181. Retrieved from


Marcos Noé Pool Cab
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán


Objective. To build, from the archaeological characteristics of a domestic unit, social and political everyday life of a human group that inhabited the northwestern plains of Yucatan between 550/600 and 750/800 A. D. Methodology. To achieve this objective, information from the ceramic, lithic, architectural and osteological analysis was related. Results. Through the comprehensive analysis of a housing context in the peripheral site of Cholul, North of the city of Merida, discussions and outcomes on various topics relating to the domestic group who lived there, such as health and disease issues, the political and social structure of the group, gender relations and kinship, were considered. Conclusion. It is a fact that the human group that developed during the second half of the Classic period North of the present city of Merida reached a degree of material prosperity.

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