How to Cite
Rúa Serna, J. C. (2015). L’oublié de la rue: oblivion of the street as a public meeting place. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(2), 135–149. Retrieved from


Juan Camilo Rúa Serna
Universidad de Antioquia


Objective. To understand the role of the street as public space of social encounter from a theoretical, legal and practical perspective, taking Medellin as a case study. Methodology. From a qualitative approach, a triple research strategy is conducted with instruments of analytical-hermeneutic, documental research plus participant observation. Results. The work aims to determine if streets can be seen as a territory of cultural meaning in order to build different kinds of urban sociability, if this has been reflected on the urban planning exercises of Medellin, and how it is lived daily. Conclusion. It was found that even though the streets continue to have an important role on the social construction of the city, their role in the public space system has been minimized, and therefore it is recommended that public policies on this matter should be oriented to rescue and reinforce them.

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