DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2019.21.2.9
How to Cite
Guerrero Arenas, J. L. (2019). Heritage without the bereaved: value and use of heritage. The case of the Cultural Religious Art Museum of Mompox. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 21(2), 185–203.


Jimena Lobo Guerrero Arenas
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


This article is derived from a larger research work carried out in Santa Cruz de Mompox between 2012 and 2014. Unstructured interviews, direct observation and work with the collection of the Cultural Religious Art Museum, served as input to reflect on cultural heritage around questions such as: What and why is it patrimonalized? The museographic proposal aims to show visitors the splendour and richness of the Momposino goldsmith tradition, a tradition that constitutes one of the city’s heritage references. However, results show that the collection lacks the bereaved. Reflecting from the critical studies of heritage, it is concluded that the neglect, invisibility, and forgetfulness of the collection reveals the problem of the selective exercises of patrimonialization and invites to examine the uses and the value that are usually given to cultural heritage.

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