DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2019.21.2.8
How to Cite
Ochoa Espitia, K. P. (2019). Handcrafted envy, a mechanism of protection, emulation and safeguarding among Tunjan artisan women. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 21(2), 157–183.


Karen Paola Ochoa Espitia
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


This text derives from the research on the decrease in the embroidery crafts occupation among the artisan women of the city of Tunja and the possible strategies for its safeguarding. A reflection is made in the article on the way in which elements and handcrafted knowledge are transmitted and protected. To this end, interviews and embroidery meetings were held with artisans and connoisseurs of the trade to identify the current vision of embroidery. As a result of these collected practices and speeches, a particular emotion was interpreted: envy. In the handcraft environment, this emotion is posed in a positive and natural way since it promotes observation and creativity. It also favors the protection of handcrafted products that contain the essence of embroidery artisans, acting as an innate mechanism of protection, creativity and protection in the handcraft field.

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