DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2019.21.2.3
How to Cite
Manrique Moreno, N. (2019). History and memories: the past is present in the Cloister of San Agustin in Tunja. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 21(2), 39–58.


Nidia Manrique Moreno
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


This article was originated as a result of an exploration process of more than three years that has sought to be consolidated in a research project. Its purpose is to reconstruct, through memory, the stage of history in which the Cloister of San Agustín in Tunja was a prison, with the aim of signifying the representation of spatiality that historically have been built around the building, especially from the perspective of the restoration process of the 1980’s. Structurally, this analysis of the social impact and the meaning attributed to the Penitentiary, begin with a brief review about the spaces, times and transformations of the Cloister to interpret them in the light of the concepts of heritage and modernity. The reflection will be enriched by the theoretical review of several studies on issues related to heritage, and by the voices and perspectives of people who were somehow related to the Tunja Panoptic, in order to weave a net of reading of the Cloister that relates history (heterogeneous), tangible heritage and the theory, with the immaterial heritage and the (living) memory which examines the importance and consumption of heritage in the present, and that is based on the survival of collective and individual memories as building elements of identity.

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