DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2020.22.1.9
How to Cite
Bermúdez Restrepo, M. A. (2020). Pleistocene environment and human occupations in the middle valley of the Magdalena river, Colombia. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 22(1), 172–186.


Mario Alonso Bermúdez Restrepo

Profesor / Investigador del área de Arqueología en el Departamento de Antropología y Sociología de la Universidad de Caldas. Estudiante de Doctorado en FACSO, Universidad Nacional del Centro de Provincia de Buenos Aires. Coordinador del Laboratorio de Arqueología de la Universidad de Caldas y el grupo GIGA.

Universidad de Caldas
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This article presents a review of the available work on early human occupations and environmental conditions in the middle valley of the Magdalena river. The focus is on the temporality of the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene epoch in order to assess the potential of the region to house sites with evidence of landscape use by collecting hunter societies. To achieve this, the area was characterized, the paleoenvironmental context was elaborated, and the archaeological sites were related, thereby contributing to the generation of hypotheses about human dispersion during the period.

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