How to Cite
Romero Ospina, F. A. (2015). The childhood: as project ethics. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(1), 335–349. Retrieved from


Fernando Arturo Romero Ospina
IED Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada


Objective. Contribute to the reflection of childhood category since this is not a natural but socio-political category that depends on social representations has in every age, contributing from there to the practices and discourses on children. Methodology. The text is based on a methodology of document review. It starts with the denaturation of the concept childhood and continues with the studies of historians Arièz and deMause about his periodization. Finally the discussion of representations of childhood is presented. Results and conclusions. With this we want to identify that childhood is a socio-political category which currently is based in speeches arising from the rights of the child, representing new practices an ethical project for children.

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