How to Cite
Agudelo Villegas, V. A. (2015). Training of citizens in the society of knowledge: by a recovery of character ethic of citizen in new ways to policy. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(1), 159–177. Retrieved from


Víctor Alfonso Agudelo Villegas
Secretaría de Educación de Caldas


Objective: To bring the reader closer to the discussion of the pressing need to strengthen democracy in a globalized and hyper-connected society. Methodology: The methodology proposed herein is based on a comparative analysis of several major authors that deal with the issue of democracy and knowledge society, contrasted with remarks of ‘field’ in social networks and other spaces of democratic participation. Results: This debate is framed in terms of the formation of a civic citizenship that will fit the new socio-political context of the XXI century in which new communication technologies become social practices through which it is possible to bring people together and give them the opportunity to live in territories with a radically different nature from that of the everyday nature or of the material world. Conclusions: Such virtual territories constitute in our time an alternative space for political participation that transcends traditional practices of democracy and channels towards new generations in ways that enable them to transform policy to adjust it to the profound changes and conclusive challenges required by governance in contemporary societies or, even better, to democracy in a massive society that tends increasingly to strengthen ties through technological advances.

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