How to Cite
Sarrazín, J. P. (2015). Contributions to the empirical study of values and their social diffusion. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(1), 135–158. Retrieved from


Jean Paul Sarrazín
Universidad de Antioquia


Objective: This article presents a critical reflection on the main definitions of the concept “values” found in the social sciences, always considering that a useful definition is that allowing the clear identification of an empirical object of study and the verification of its results in social reality. Methodology: A methodological proposal consisting of the analysis of metaphors and ontologies underlying the valuations expressed in discursive practices is proposed. Results: Previous research generally has presented hierarchical lists of words which supposedly stand for the most important values in a given society. However, these words say very little about people’s true preferences and valuations in their everyday life. Conclusion:.It is concluded that the result of an investigation on values should not be a hierarchical list of words, but the deciphering of the logics behind the various types of valuations made by people.

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