How to Cite
Parada Hernández, J., & Castellanos Obregon, J. M. (2015). Theoretical paths of moral recognition in Axel Honneth. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(1), 57–81. Retrieved from


Jeannette Parada Hernández
Universidad Libre, sede Bogotá
Juan Manuel Castellanos Obregon
Universidad de Caldas


Objective: To identify experiences of moral recognition present in the family and social life stories of young people belonging to a diversity of youth groups (aesthetic, musical, sporting, artistic, cultural, political, and religious among others.) This seeks to expand Axel Honneth’s (2007, 2010) theory in the fields of family, citizenship and work, to youth groups as spaces of inter- subjectivity, making its empirical validation, revealing the experiences of recognition at the love, law and solidarity levels. Methodology: A critical analysis of the literature is carried out to achieve the objective deepening in the meaningful background for the construction of the theory object of this study as an epistemic research path. The methodology used in this phase of the research was documental analysis. Results: This work seeks to establish the conceptual path of the moral recognition theory identifying concepts, authors and arguments underlying it. Conclusion: The recognition theory was identified as a multidisciplinary construction of diverse social sciences.

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