How to Cite
Rengifo Carpintero, J. A., & Díaz Caicedo, C. H. . (2014). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 16(1), 209–231. Retrieved from


John Alexis Rengifo Carpintero
Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho, Fundación Investigación Creativos, Asociación Eslabón Cultural
Carmen Helena Díaz Caicedo
Asociación Eslabón Cultural, Fundación Investigación Creativos, Institución Internacional Liceo los Alpes


This article is a critical spirit argumentative effort , from a case study analysis, performed after ten years of  academic teaching through a process of artistic, cultural and research training in the Asociación Eslabón  Cultural in Cali, in such way that today’s body, the postmodern body, specifically the body of contemporary  youth, as long as plural-narrative singularities into different territories or emotional environments such as,  the home, the classroom, the neighborhood, the refuge, escape, recreation and entertainment places (disco- clubs, shopping malls, stadiums and gambling sites for racing cars) self-understands its own corporeality as a prostituted pornographic body: meat converted into consumer good in a coextensive relationship with a hedonistic ego. Body that in postmodern society, is caught between the logic of a world of life holder of spheres of value in which the private world can be expressed and systems of action that guide the actions of  the social actors in public life. It is eally no more than the product of an audio visual pornographic culture  that acts as the center and periphery of today’s man acting, the young contemporary transforming him into  a being in inorganic relationship always with himself in ethical, aesthetic and existential terms, with the other  and with other things.

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