DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2023.57.4
How to Cite
Ariza Vargas, L. A., & Estupiñán Bravo, L. H. (2023). Adaptation to climate change in small-scale agricultural production systems in the global, regional and national context. Luna Azul, (57), 48–66.


Luz Aida Ariza Vargas
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales (UDCA)
Perfil Google Scholar
Luis Hernando Estupiñán Bravo
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales (UDCA)
Perfil Google Scholar


Introduction: the small-scale agricultural production systems have been affected by the climate change, evidencing an increase in both temperature and decrease in precipitation, discovering high impacts on small-scale agriculture (changes in crop phenology, flooding, salinization of groundwater, changes in biotic factors —plagues and diseases—, land degradation and desertification, loss of plant genetic resources and loss of suitability and productivity of crops and pastures); Farmers with a low level of income and resources are being more affected due to their low response capacity. This article shows the current state of some small farmers (worldwide, Latin American and in Colombia) and their vulnerability to climate change and how through different adaptation strategies they could achieve better living conditions that allow a better life quality and economic, social and environmental development for their families. Objective: know publications prepared around climate change adaptation systems in small-scale agricultural production sites in the regional, national and global context. Methodology: a review of the literature on climate change and vulnerability in small farmers worldwide, Latin America and Colombia was carried out, for which a review of databases was used (Scopus, SciELO, Dialnet, ScienceDirect, Frontiers). Results: it is evident in the review that despite the high vulnerability of small agricultural producers, their traditional knowledge and the techniques developed from the adaptation based on their environment, in the ecosystems and in their communities contributes to the mitigation of climate change directing to improve the livelihoods of these communities and reduce the social problems that may arise if there is no efficient and effective management of the environmental practices developed.

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