This article identifies the environmental actors that should be involved in the conservation of the wetland “El Recreacional” of Tunja (Boyacá, Colombia). This process used the methodology of Key Actor Mapping (KAM), from field visits, participant observations and unstructured interviews. The identification included the characterisation of each author, their sphere of action, role, level of power and influence over the wetland, management capacity, position of participation in environmental projects to be developed in the context and their interests in relation to these. Simultaneously, the relationships between the actors and the wetland are established, recognising the actor “community visiting the El Recreacional wetland” as the most likely to be successful, as it is a population with major influence, management capacity and has an interest in participating in the implementation of projects for the conservation of the El Recreacional wetland. It is concluded that with the use of the MAC it is possible to conduct a detailed qualitative analysis of the social actors that influence a territory, this being a suitable tool for their identification and subsequent selection to participate in the solution of environmental problems.
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