DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2023.56.4
How to Cite
Mora Yanquen, E. (2023). Becoming an ecological body: a documentary and subjective analysis of the body and its prominence in ecology. Luna Azul, (56), 47–62.



This article results from the research “Becoming an ecological body: a documentary and subjective analysis on the body and its protagonist in ecology”, where the idea of man, individual and person is analyzed as one of the causes of the current ecological crisis. Its general objective was: to conceptualize the category of ecological body through the analysis of the different ideas of man, individual, person and the concept of body in order to establish its relationship with the ecological crisis as a civilizing crisis. In terms of methodology, this is a qualitative research where the documentary method is implemented. The results are presented in three chapters and the most relevant result is the category: ecological body as the recognition of all the processes necessary to be able to inhabit the earth today, from cosmic events to the microbial fusions necessary for the formation of bodies. Becoming an ecological body is the form that recognizes us as symbionts, totally dependent on the stability of ecosystems, biogeochemical cycling, and the maintenance of biodiversity. In conclusion, the form of man, individual and person has to be displaced by a new way of understanding the world and life; this new form is the ecological body that is born from the recognition of our deep dependence on each of the physical, chemical and biological processes that have occurred and continue to occur in the world.

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