DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2022.55.5
How to Cite
Salazar Paredes, M. C., Camargo García, J. C., Muñoz López, J., & Arango Arango, A. M. (2022). Birdlife, coffee agroecosystems and ecosystem services from the perception of coffee producers. Luna Azul, (55), 56‐79.


María Camila Salazar Paredes
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca
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Juan Carlos Camargo García
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
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Juliana Muñoz López
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Perfil Google Scholar
Angela María Arango Arango
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
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In the Regional District of Integrated Management Cuchilla del San Juan, located in the municipality of Belén de Umbría, department of Risaralda, the knowledge of coffee growers about the birds present in their territory was documented; for this purpose a workshop was developed with 12 coffee growers in order to analyze the local recognition of the different species of birds, their presence in recent years, the benefits and the cultural and biological value of the associated ecosystem services. The producers recognized 72 diurnal and nocturnal species, belonging to 15 orders distributed in 14 families, which were classified into 8 functional groups, within which the group of insectivorous/frugivorous birds (IF) stands out as the most numerous with 25 species, followed by insectivorous (I) with 20 species, Later, the functional groups of (F) frugivorous and (G) granivorous birds were defined, each with 7 species, followed by (NI) nectarivorous/insectivorous birds with 6 species, (C) carnivorous birds with 5 species and finally the groups of (NE) necrophagous birds and (P) piscivorous birds, each with one species. In addition, some causes that have affected them over time were identified and prioritized.

The ecosystem services most valued by producers are those of regulation, with pest insect control perceived as the most important. On the other hand, it was found that the increased use of agrochemicals has been a determining factor in affecting the presence of birds in the area, especially in the period from 2000 to 2010. These results allow us to establish that avifauna provides information on the quality of the agroecosystems evaluated and even on those benefits of nature that producers consider to be of greater priority.

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