DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2022.55.3
How to Cite
Valencia Vélez, A. C. (2022). Embera Katío indiginous/native community’s natural risks cosmovision; an overview. Its prevention and mitigation measurements in the Tatamá NNP, municipality of Santuario, Risaralda. Colombia. Luna Azul, (55), 26–37.


Ana Carolina Valencia Vélez

Magíster en Ecología Humana y Saberes Ambientales

Universidad de Caldas


The present investigation develops an approach to the concept of natural risk that the Embera Katío indigenous community possesses, as well as its prevention or mitigation forms in the Tatamá partiality, Los Planes farm, of the municipality of Santuario in the department of Risaralda. To achieve this approach, the following central categories of research were defined: worldview, nature and natural risk. To do this, it begins with the general definition of each category, and subsequently focuses the analysis on some theoretical approaches proposed from the natural sciences, social sciences and ecology. This research has a qualitative, ethnographic approach, which allowed us to identify the way in which the Embera Katío indigenous community perceives nature and the relationship it has had with it since ancient times. To obtain the information, interviews and focus groups were conducted with indigenous authorities (governors), jaibanás (traditional doctors) and members of the community in general, through circular questions that made it possible to investigate the historical memory of the community about those subjective elements of his worldview in relation to the categories of research. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that, for this community, the perception of natural risk is not only considered in material terms, but also spiritual elements are revealed, which make up the cosmology of their worldview.

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