DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2021.52.8
How to Cite
Palombo, N. E. ., Silvera Ruíz, L. T. ., & Martín, R. B. . (2021). Reasons for participation and conceptions of Environmental Education in a non-formal learning context: the case of a children workshop in Cordoba, Argentina. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (52), 145–167.


Nahuel E. Palombo
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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Leda T. Silvera Ruíz
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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Rocío B. Martín
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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Introduction: Since its consolidation during the seventies, the field of Environmental Education (EE) has evolved in order to promote a positive change in the relationships between humans and the environment. Non-formal educational contexts offer the possibility of reaching broad and diverse social sectors, which is of interest given the current relevance of environmental problems and the need for lifelong learning in this regard. Objective: To contribute to the understanding and dissemination of non-formal contexts related to EE, this work aimed at analyzing and describing the motivations and conceptions involved in the development of a workshop for children in a town in the central area of Cordoba, Argentina. Materials and Method: The data were collected through observations in the workshops and surveys to the participants (workshop facilitators and family members). Results: The reasons for participation were linked to the promotion of knowledge and interests related to environmental issues and the enjoyment of free time and socialization. In the case of the facilitators, their motivations were also related to the possibility of professional and personal growth, besides obtaining an economic profit. Naturalistic, conservationist and value-centered aspects predominated in the conceptions of EE of the participants, crossed by elements of an affective and socio-emotional nature, being more relegated a critical perspective on environmental problems. Conclusions: This study makes it possible to think about the particularities of non-formal EE as educational contexts constructed to strengthen learning opportunities in a framework of recreation and socialization, and in the potentialities that these scenarios provide for the configuration of an environmental identity. Finally, there is a reflection on the role of educators in the non-formal settings and their responsibility in strengthening EE as a tool for social change.

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