DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2021.52.3
How to Cite
González-Pérez, A. ., & Ariza-Marín, L. J. . (2021). Economic valuation and social perception of air pollution in Villavicencio, Colombia. Luna Azul, (52), 41–57.


Alejandra González-Pérez
Universidad Santo Tomás
Perfil Google Scholar
Leidy Johana Ariza-Marín
Universidad Santo Tomás
Perfil Google Scholar


This study aimed at determining the social perception and the economic value of the effects caused by air pollution on the health of the inhabitants in five sectors of Villavicencio, Colombia. Through the Benefit Transfer method of the Willingness to Pay (WP) and 400 semi-structured surveys, a total of COP$5.842 million was obtained to reduce the air pollution annually in the city which could,  through decontamination strategies, get to avoid 6,318 cases of respiratory affectation and 73,455 annual cases of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) of which 28,168 correspond to children under 5 years of age. Likewise, more than 60% of the population perceives the air quality in the city as fair and 98% considered that it affects quality of life. More than 59% recognize transportation systems as the main air pollution problem, and it was identified that citizens have a little environmental empowerment since 79% of the population does not identify the environmental authority in charge, nor do they recognize any monitoring and control measures. The results allowed corroborating the impact that the inhabitants perceive due to air pollution in addition to recognizing that the most important element of citizen participation is failing, which can be used efficiently to achieve actions within public policy and improve the environmental condition of the city.

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