DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2021.52.1
How to Cite
Angulo Partida, J. P. ., Vargas Valencia, Ángel R. ., & Celestino Sánchez, M. Ángel . (2021). Construction and reliability of the Scale of Attitudes towards Nature Conservation as an instrument to measure attitudes towards nature conservation. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (52), 01–21.


Juan Pablo Angulo Partida
Universidad de Colima
Perfil Google Scholar
Ángel Rafael Vargas Valencia
Universidad de Colima
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Miguel Ángel Celestino Sánchez
Universidad de Colima
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It is pertinent to develop instruments to measure the attitudes of people towards nature, especially regarding its conservation, in order to be able to predict pro-environmental behaviors. In this regard, some scales have been developed that measure attitudes towards nature caried out by Weigel and Weigel (1978), Dunlap and Van Liere (1978/2000), Thompson and Barton (1994) and Aragones and Amérigo (1991). The proposal considered here was based on the works Landscape and History since 1500 by Ian D. Whyte (2002) and Wilderness and the American Mind by Roderick Frazier Nash (2014), whose works make a historical journey through the mentality of Western culture. Considering these two perspectives, eleven categories of attitudes towards nature were extracted. The questionnaire was applied to 510 young people from the state of Colima in Mexico and, through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the HJ-Biplot multivariate analysis, the theoretical dimensions were compared with those obtained in the multivariate tests, leaving a total of nine factors. The Attitudes towards Nature Conservation Scale presented internal consistency, having a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.825. This scale adds to the attempts to identify those attitudes that have historically been ruling in the discourses in favor or against conservation which can be associated with religion, aesthetics, health, nationalism, empathy with other species and the exploitation of natural resources.

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