DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2017.45.6
How to Cite
Cortés Landázury, R., & Gómez Sánchez, A. M. (2017). From degradation of water and institutional innovations to the greening civil society: an analysis of the problems of water quality in the high Cauca river basin, Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (45), 71–106.


Raúl Cortés Landázury
Universidad del Cauca
Andrés Mauricio Gómez Sánchez
Universidad del Cauca


At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the issues surrounding the quality of water resources are increasingly evident at the global and regional levels. However, under the influence of the environmental reform of the 1990s in Colombia, the institutional framework sought to avoid the threat by leaning towards the decentralized management of sustainability and the application of economic instruments such as the compensatory rate (Pigouvian tax). The purpose of this article is to review the performance of these two standards against the role of civil society in the intervention on water quality in the high basin of the Cauca river. For this, the institutional analysis combined with econometric tools including models with panel, ANOVA and finally main components are used. In the end, the scope of civic citizenship as a complement or alternative to the typical tools of the regionalized public administration is discussed. The results show, among many others, the harmlessness of financial instruments such as compensatory rates to attack water contamination, along with the capacity of social organizations to control associative processes in defense of the river water quality.

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