DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2017.44.20
How to Cite
Muñoz Valencia, A. L., Franco Cano, C. A., Triviño Arbeláez, H. F., & Álvarez León, R. (2017). Assessment of hazardous waste management (RESPEL) and its implications for sustainable development of productive activities in five municipalities of the department of Quindio, Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (44), 334–347.


Andrea Lucía Muñoz Valencia
Carlos Alberto Franco Cano
Héctor Fabián Triviño Arbeláez
Ricardo Álvarez León
Universidad de Manizales


Objectives: To review the regulations for hazardous waste in Colombia, its applicability and regulation, in a small Department that has a reduced generation in order to identify gaps, and the applicability of the national environmental policy, as well as a DAFO analysis in the applicability of the regulations of hazardous waste in the department of Quindío, checking integrated management and its implications. Methodology: The revision included a review of the understanding of the regulations, as well as the literature used in the formulation of the policy, the successful cases in other countries and surveys to waste generators in the field work, with the purpose of obtaining the information needed to evaluate the implementation of the National Policy in the Department of Quindío. Results: The realities of hazardous waste generators became visible in the five municipalities of Quindío against the environmental regulations and the National Policy. It was found that the national legislation excludes this sector since it makes demands that are difficult to fulfill, therefore the rule is not applied. Discussion: Currently, management of hazardous waste or options to facilitate the achievement of specific standards without compromising environmental, economic and social sustainability of the generators of hazardous waste in the five municipalities of Quindío is not promoted at the regional and national level. Conclusions: As a result of the research, a model of hazardous waste management is proposed with two variables depending on the volume and characteristics of waste generated including regulatory setting, the association of the generators, a modification of the rate structure (based on the regulation of critical collection and transport parameters), and the accompaniment of the sectors committed to environmental sustainability, mainly through training, environmental education and technical strengthening relative to the handling of residues or hazardous waste (liquid, gaseous, solids), organic (which may have composting processes) and inorganic (which can be used as recycled or reused as reverse or inverse logistics) and unusable. There is a great challenge for a country, especially when it is part of commitments to international conventions, when it does not take into account the heterogeneity of the regions in terms of management skills and proper waste disposal.

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