DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.43.13
How to Cite
Betancourt S., D. J., & Solano M., J. K. (2016). Synthesis and characterization of expanded mixed polystyrene - polypropylene (styrofoam) recycled as an alternative for production process of autoparts. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (43), 286–310.


Daylin Julieth Betancourt S.
Universidad Santo Tomás
Johanna Karina Solano M.
Universidad Santo Tomás


Polypropylene (PP) as main raw material and fiberglass as input for the production of fans used in the cooling systems of motor is included in the process of manufacturing parts. Manufacturing standards must guarantee the resistance of the product in conditions that will be subject within the engine. To achieve this, the polypropylene is mixed with fiberglass in the injection process to increase the strength and hardness of the final product, as it is exposed to temperature changes, impacts with other parts, wear and unexpected impacts on the vehicle. This study synthesized and characterized a material obtained from the pure-polypropylene blend expanded polystyrene (EPS) (polystyrene) recycling as an alternative use for polystyrene in the auto parts manufacturing process as a substitute for fiberglass production process, following steps as screening media sizes, the mixture thereof, and obtaining specimens performing mechanical and thermal tests. The aim was to compare the mechanical and thermal properties of the material obtained (PP-EPS) with the material currently used (PP-fiberglass) for which they had no previous studies and thus determine the feasibility of incorporating a waste to a production in order to avoid direct disposal and thus promote the recycling process itself. The blends were characterized by stress-strain tests, Shore A hardness and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of which was obtained favoring the thermal properties and mechanical strength reduction in the use of polystyrene, of course emphasizing the significant savings in change of inputs in the production process.

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