DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.43.7
How to Cite
Bonilla Morales, M. M., Hernández Castañeda, O. I., & Aguirre Morales, A. C. (2016). Distribution and climate preferences Sobralia uribei (ORCHIDACEAE): an endemic species from Santander, Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (43), 128–144.


Miguel Macgayver Bonilla Morales
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Oscar Ibán Hernández Castañeda
Universidad de los Llanos
Adriana Carolina Aguirre Morales
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


In Colombia, about 35% of the recorded species are endemic and in some cases are only known specimen type or location. However, the advance of the agricultural frontier, deforestation, mining and other anthropogenic practices are the main causes of extinction. Studies in Santander, from the sixties, determined that Sobralia uribei, endemic to this department, is known in a locality in the municipality of Piedecuesta. The objective of this research was to study the intraspecific diversity, distribution and state of conservation of S. uribei. For this reason, local herbal reviewed and conducted field trips in the Department of Santander. The data obtained were processed for morphological and biogeographic analysis using DIVA-GIS program. After 54 years, a new location is recorded in the municipality of Trade, a straight line distance of 84 km, and an average of 1500 to 2000 m. The differential morphological characters were plant height (1-3 m), the apex of the lip color (white or purple), and the number of flowers per cluster (9-11 vs 7-9). The potential distribution is concentrated in the towns of El Carmen, San Vicente de Chucurí, Hato, Galán and Zapatoca, between 1500-2600 m, and not where it was collected. The temperature of subpopulations no significant differences and the beginning of the precipitation from January to April, allowing the flowering of the species. The conservation status of S. uribei is defiene in the category of Critically Endangered (CR) according to risk criteria proposed by IUCN. Currently, human intervention is the main factor that may cause the extinction of existing subpopulations, so conservation strategies in situ and ex situ, are urgent and necessary.

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