DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.43.6
How to Cite
Salazar Ceballos, A., Freyle, N., Tamara, G., & Álvarez Miño, L. (2016). Perception of risk to climate change as a threat to human health, Taganga, Santa Marta, 2014. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (43), 102–127.


Alexander Salazar Ceballos
Universidad del Magdalena
Nataly Freyle
Universidad del Magdalena
Germán Tamara
Universidad del Magdalena
Lídice Álvarez Miño
Universidad del Magdalena


The World Health Organization considers climate change or global warming a problem of public health. Thus it is necessary to know the perception of risk to climate change in different communities to generate actions for adaptation and mitigation to climate change; but that perception of risk may vary in different populations. The objective of this study was to observe the risk perception on climate change as a threat to human health in the town of Taganga, Santa Marta, 2014. In methods, it was surveyed 484 people in Taganga, through a cluster sampling. It was applied the validated instrument, internationally and nationally, through Cronbach's alpha and Kuder-Richardson formula 20. Spearman's correlation was applied. In results, statistically significant correlation was observed between political action on climate change and risk perception index; and also between the index will to act and indices of risk perception, knowledge about the health effects due to climate change and political action on climate change. This study concludes that was observed an association between the index of willingness to act and risk perception, knowledge about the health effects of climate change and political action on climate change; also an association between political action on climate change and risk perception.

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