DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.43.3
How to Cite
Arboleda Montaño, N. (2016). Diagnostic system rain water harvesting in the black community council community of Lagos, Buenaventura. Luna Azul, (43), 29–55.


Nixon Arboleda Montaño
Universidad del Pacífico


This paper presents the results of research conducted at the Community Council of the black community of Los Lagos, which was to diagnose the conditions of use of rain water, so they could determine the potential use of rain water in the community, the types of roofs used housing, the system of collection and conveyance of rain water, types of containers for storage of rain water; for the identification of the above aspects, site visits were conducted, as well as semi-structured interviews and surveys. After meeting the supply system of rain water, chemical and microbiological to rain water collected analyzes were performed, thus allowing to know or not compliance with environmental regulations; Additional statistical analyzes were applied to determine correlations and variances in the results.

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