DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2018.46.19
How to Cite
Hernández Abstengo, D. de la C. (2018). Curricular strategy of environmental education for the students of the career degree in education. Pedagogy-psychology. Luna Azul, (46), 369–386.


Damaris de la C. Hernández Abstengo
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas


The Environmental Education is a prioritized objective of the education; in the universities it is essential for the social responsibility of forming professionals. The career Degree in Education, Pedagogy-Psychology has this defined objective starting from the professional's pattern, however, the Plan of the Educational Process, doesn't include subjects inside the curriculum it bases, neither they exist documents that they explain how to make it. For it, presently work intends the design and implementation of the curricular strategy for the environmental education of the students of this career so that it contributes to perfect the initial formation toward this educational objective. The same one is elaborated starting from the results obtained with the application of empiric methods as the analysis of documents, the survey and the pedagogic test, which throw results that they show the deficit of the students' knowledge toward the environmental education and how from their functions as educators should develop it. You conclude that the diagnosis of the preparation of the students of the career Degree in Education, Pedagogy-Psychology, threw that they present difficulties knowledge, of the attitudes and procedural on the environmental education, keeping in mind the particularities characteristic of the future profession. The analysis of the normative documents on the environmental education, as well as the relating ones theoretical it allowed the design of the Curricular Strategy of Environmental Education for the career Degree in Education, Pedagogy-Psychology starting from the professional's pattern. This traffics for the curriculum and it crosses the components of the formation: academic, labor-investigative and extension. The implementation has been carried out along eight years, obtaining you very positive results. The valuation of the effectiveness of the same one is evidenced in the knowledge, abilities and attitudes acquired by the students.

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