DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2018.46.5
How to Cite
Delgado Huertas, H., Rangel, J. A., & Silva Parra, A. (2018). Chemical characterization of soil fertility in production systems of a flat high plateau, Meta, Colombia. Luna Azul, (46), 54–69.


Hernando Delgado Huertas
Universidad de los Llanos
Jorge Alberto Rangel
Universidad de los Llanos
Amanda Silva Parra
Universidad de los Llanos


The flat high plateau of the Colombian Orinoquia is, par excellence, an agricultural pantry. Its chemical soil fertility depends mainly of productive systems that involve appropriate soil management that increment soil organic matter (SOM). A multivariate analysis was applied in order to characterize the soil chemical fertility in some productive systems of the flat high plateau compared to other foothills of the Department of Meta in the western region of Colombia. Five production systems were selected for each zone. A high variability in the chemical characteristics of the soils was found, being SOM and the acidity of the soils the ones having greater discriminatory capacity among the productive systems. Cluster analysis consisted of three well-defined groups: high, medium and low fertility soils and, although a definite pattern of productive systems was not found in each of the groups, five productive foothill systems were located in low fertility soils. The improved pastures and the silvopastoral systems (SPSs) of flat high plateaus are a good option to increase the chemical fertility of the soils.

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