DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2019.48.4
How to Cite
Castillo Figueroa, D. ., Cely Gómez, . M. A. ., & Sáenz Jiménez, . F. . (2019). Environmental education, attitudes and knowledge of rural communities about the andean condor in the el Almorzadero paramo (Santander, Colombia). Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (48), 70–89.


Dennis Castillo Figueroa

Ecólogo y Biólogo. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Fundación Neotropical

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
María Alejandra Cely Gómez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Fausto Sáenz Jiménez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Environmental education and community participation are part of the strategy lines established for the conservation of the Andean Condor in Colombia. However, few efforts have been made with the purpose of involving local communities in the conservation process of the species. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the attitudes and knowledge of children and adults about the Andean Condor. Environmental education activities were carried out with children in rural schools in order to raise awareness and recognize the natural and cultural importance of this species. For adults, a problem tree analysis workshop was developed to address the human-Condor conflict and semi-structured interviews were conducted with producers in the region. There was a great variety of biological, ecological and cultural elements that the children linked with the Andean Condor. Children believe that it feeds on live animals and complements its diet with carrion. This generates that neither the ecological role of this species in the paramo , nor its transcendence for people are valued. Producers in the highlands of the paramo, on the other hand, linked the species with more elements than producers in the lowlands. The damage identified was the loss of domestic animals caused by condors. Causes and effects around this problem were identified, highlighting the lack of technical assistance and economic loss, respectively. Despite the indications of such damages, the general perspective of the interviewees regarding the species is positive. In conclusion, it is important to develop environmental education activities not only for children but also for adults, evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education strategies, and link the experiences and the knowledge of the community to create emotional ties that affect the conservation of the Andean Condor. Finally, it is pertinent to generate communication bridges with related entities to strengthen domestic animal management practices.

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