DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/luaz.2015.40.15
How to Cite
Rodríguez Espinosa, H., Ramírez Gómez, C. J., & Restrepo Betancur, L. F. (2015). Methodologal proposal for participatory design of local agricultural development program. Luna Azul, (40), 224–239.


Holmes Rodríguez Espinosa
Universidad de Antioquia
Carlos Julián Ramírez Gómez
Universidad de Antioquia
Luis Fernando Restrepo Betancur
Universidad de Antioquia


The participatory approach to design agricultural and rural initiatives is  onsidered an important factor to respond, in a more effective way, to a territory needs achieving involvement of the interested parties. In this sense, a methodological proposal to design agricultural programs is presented based on prospective structural analysis and factor analysis built from a research experience at the municipality of Bello (Antioquia, Colombia). The proposal is the concept of participation, seen as the information attainment and analysis with communities, the reflective activity, the collective action for decision-making and the strengthening of social capital through the improvement of trust between actors for the process evaluation and monitoring. As a result of the proposed methodology limitations for the agricultural sector development were identified, which were used for the design of the local program as well as an advance in the strengthening of the social capital was achieved through the Rural Development Municipal Council (RDMC) as the legal and representative instance of the local actors.

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