How to Cite
Martínez Ballesteros, Álvaro J., Plaza Rodríguez, C. M., & Guevara, G. . (2014). Litter contribution of the black mangrove (avicennia germinans l.) In the Colombian Caribbean. Luna Azul, (38), 218–230. Retrieved from


Álvaro Javier Martínez Ballesteros
Universidad de Caldas
Carlos Mario Plaza Rodríguez
Universidad de Caldas
Giovany . Guevara
Universidad de Caldas



Although mangroves are recognized worldwide as highly productive and ecologically important ecosystems , at present its extent has been significantly reduced due to human activities in coastal areas. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate their dynamics and responses under the growing and sustained climatic and anthropogenic impacts. During two contrasting seasons (drought, rain) the fallen leaves production of the black mangrove Avicennia germinans L. was investigated at El Uno Bay, near Turbo Municipality, North-Western Colombia (8° N). Organic matter input was sorted by structure (leaves, branches, flowers, fruits) with leaves registering the highest significant values. Total dry biomass during both seasons was 7.09±9.66 and 5.36±5.67 g m-2day-1. The lowest and highest organic matter values were 0.63-8 and 0.49-3.65 g m-2day-1 during the dry and rainy season, respectively. Significant differences between organic structures but not between seasons analyzed were detected. Some relevant past and present natural and anthropogenic impacts affecting the mangroves dynamics are discussed, as well as the importance of fallen leaves input to the primary and secondary production in highly disturbed zones of the Colombian Caribbean area.

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