This paper aims to clarify and discuss some of the ethical, symbolic, and political questions associated to the concumption of agroecological food products implicitly and explicitly reported by consumers through their option for.this type of food. The findings account for narratives through which consumers justify for them and for others such preferential election. Empirically, what is presented above is based on the analysis of rationale and practices of some permanent and occasional frequenters of the Manizales Agroecology Market which is an, interaction and meeting space sponsored by the Botanical Garden of Universidad de Caldas. The results are organized around five relational axes: a) agroecological consumption and environmental responsibility, b) agroecological consumption and citizenship practice, c) agroecological consumption and social differentiation, d) agroecological consumption, affectivity and care, e) agroecological consumption and food expectations, and f) agroecological consumption and sensory evoking. The article concludes emphasizing the act of prefering agroecological food as an appropriation process of meanings and values contained in each product, in the light of representations constructed by the consumers.
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