How to Cite
Amador, F. C., Rivera Fellner, M. Ángel, & Ramírez López, J. A. (2013). The San José commune in the spotlight: urban transformations and social networks seen through photography. Luna Azul, (37), 162–195. Retrieved from


Fernando Cantor Amador
Universidad de Caldas
Miguel Ángel Rivera Fellner
Universidad de Caldas
Julián Ariel Ramírez López
Universidad de Caldas



Through the “National Social Interest Macro Project for the Central-Western area in Colombia, San José Commune, Manizales”, since 2009 a deep intervention in that Commune has been taking place, conceived as urban renovation. The problems in the project planning have led to the relatively slow demolition of an important patrimony for the city in both, governmental buildings and remains of a city more important in industrial terms and of the collectively produced history in the neighborhoods during more than a century. So far, more than one thousand paved meters can be seen from the parkway called Avenida Colón and the beginnings of the first apartment block. It is through photography that we expose how social networks are affected necessarily because of the changes in the logics of the use of public space as well as the modification in daily life routines proper from popular urban neighborhoods in poor communes, who are untimely Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas revista.luna.azúl. 2013; 37: 162-195 displaced and with the possibility to move to 45.15 square meters apartments. This is the affectation of quality of life of families and people in the Commune. However, this change is not seen the same way by the city political leaders. We tall part of the Commune history, finishing with its portrait in the image of Victorino, one of its most notable characters.

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