Environmental awareness in Mexico is a very important issue since today’s alterations on the environment are basically produced by anthropogenic activities either because of industrial development, consumerism, pollution, solid waste, etc.., reason why it is very important to achieve a balance between nature and man and, in order to achieve this balance, environmental education which can employ different strategies for generating feelings, developing environmental awareness and highlighting the need to develop new values from direct experiences is necessary. For this reason, this investigation has as its main objective the assessment of Emilio Portes Gil Colonia in H. Matamoros (Tamaulipas) inhabitants’ Environmental Awareness, using Nuévalos’ instrument called Environmental Attitudes Questionnaire (CAAM) to a population of 50 inhabitants conformed by 52% women and 48% men in an age range between 20 to 31 years, yielding a very similar environmental awareness with 32% and 30% of both the male and the female respectively.
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