How to Cite
Pinzón, T. M., & Arias, J. J. (2013). Vehicle pollution in the Pereira-Dosquebradas conurbation. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (37), 101–129. Retrieved from


Tito Morales Pinzón
Universidad de Caldas
Jhon Jairo Arias
Universidad de Caldas



A study on noise contamination and particle pollution of PM10 associated with mobile sources in the Pereira-Dosquebradas conurbation was carried out. Objective:To analyze the relationship between health, environmental noise and PM10 due to vehicular flow. Methodology:Measurements of environmental noise and vehicular flow in three sites of interest by traffic congestion were carried out. Additionally, information from air quality stations available in the study area and population with acute respiratory Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas 101 disease (ARD) was collected. From these data, models to estimate the environmental noise from traffic flow conditions were developed and two simulation models using dynamic characteristics of population growth, traffic flow and potential emissions of particulate matter are proposed in order to estimate the potential effect on health and associated induced costs associated with pollution. Results: In the sites studied, it was found that the flow of traffic and environmental noise are statistically higher in the afternoon peak hour (5pm to 7pm). The higher traffic flow was found in the sector of Avenida Sur in Pereira with an average of 2,693 veh-Eq/h. Furthermore, from the simulation models, it was found that the environmental costs associated with air pollution (PM10) may become around 2% of the budget for the municipality of Pereira. Conclusion: Environmental noise is correlated with traffic flow. Environmental noise is generated mainly by the effect of traffic flow and it may exceed the limits established in the national standard for sites near hospitals. According to the simulation models developed, if the growth conditions of the vehicle fleet continue in the same tendency, in less than eight years the effects of high concentrations of particulate matter will cause a significant effect on morbidity due to acute respiratory disease and a higher estimated environmental cost.

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