How to Cite
De Oca-Risco, A. M., & Carcassés, M. U. (2013). Recovery of areas damaged by mining in the Los Guaos quarry, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (37), 74–88. Retrieved from


Alexis Montes De Oca-Risco
Universidad de Caldas
Mayda Ulloa Carcassés
Universidad de Caldas



The province of Santiago de Cuba has 10 mining deposits franchised where geo-resources for production of building materials are exploited. The areas that are damaged by the exploitation of construction materials in the province occupy about 43 ha, which is provoking a strong environmental impact. For this reason the proposed objective of this research was: To develop a method to restore the areas affected by mining in the building materials quarries in Santiago de Cuba which allowed achieving responsible mining. Methodology: scientific methods were applied which allowed the analysis of the factors that influence in the selection of the restoration uses in mining areas in the study zone. Results: A process consisting of five major stages. Conclusion: it was demonstrated that it is possible to improve the environmental, social and economic quality in the areas affected by mining activities.

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