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Correa Valero, D. M. (2013). Ecopedagogy to preserve protected areas and the coffee cultural landscape. Luna Azul, (37), 49–62. Retrieved from


Diana Magally Correa Valero
Universidad de Caldas



This article presents progress made in research regarding environmental educational theory and teaching methods as well as environmental law. Based on a specific case study, the possibility of putting into practice the concepts of eco-pedagogy, eco-citizenship and ecological societies, as well as interdisciplinarity, interculturality and knowledge dialogues, is analyzed. The methods used are social-legal research, participatory action Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas 49 research and the ethnographic method. The result describes the active role of the environmental law students from Universidad de Caldas, and the indigenous communities and the rural populations in the Colombian Coffee Triangle in the development of such concepts and methods during the period comprised between February 2007 and December 2010, as a contribution to the strengthening of citizen participation and the defense of the rights of local communities. The article concludes that from education and environmental law it would be possible to contribute to the preservation of the biological and cultural diversity of the Coffee Triangle, especially in the protected areas and the indigenous reservations in such a way that at a long term, networks and public policies must have to be created to strengthen environmental governance in the territory.

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