Composting is an ecological technology which constitutes a way to reusing and biotransforming organic materials as well as their subsequent application in soil. The quality of organic fertilizer is determined from the nutritional content and the ability to provide nutrients to a crop. Based on an organic material composting mix, (coffee pulp, banana waste, chicken and cattle manure) coming from the coffee farms located in the department of Cundinamarca, chemical and biological indicators were determined and compared. In addition, through a bioassay, using two species with high food and feed potential, corn (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), the effect of compost on agronomic parameters and productivity in both crops Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 37, julio - diciembre 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas revista.luna.azúl. 2013; 37: 18-29 was assessed. Seven treatments were evaluated [chemical fertilizer (Q), mixture 1 (Mz1), mixture 2 (Mz2), mixture 3 (Mz3), control without fertilizer (SF), commercial organic fertilizer (AOC)], based on the determination of chemical parameters (MO, CO, macro and micronutrients). In the bioassay with corn (Zea mays L.), Q and Mz1 obtained the highest parameters during the vegetative stage; in the flowering stage, Mz3 obtained the best values in the parameters. In beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the vegeteative stage treatments, Q and Mz1 were the best, without showing statistical differences among them. In the flowering and harvesting phase, Mz2 obtained a better response. In conclusion, organic fertilizers are a viable and sustainable alternative tested under field conditions.
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