In most countries, women are discriminated against and are not taken into account in carrying out processes and decisions in any sphere, including environmental processes, despite of being the main administrators of the environmental resources from the domestic activities among the other multiple roles that they play at home. Due to this, the main objective of this work was to diminish the pressure of domestic labors over the Orotoy Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 36, enero - junio 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas revista.luna.azúl. 2013; 36: 26-39 River, through the strengthening of the role of women as a social hub for the improvement of quality and environmentally healthy lifestyles. This work was developed by using different participatory action research techniques such as interviews, group meetings or workshops (environmental, production, health and social), and surveys. As a result it was found that the majority of the project participants did not know their rights as a woman, their importance into the environmental debate and their role as home administrators. Finally it was accomplished a woman empowerment as a leader into their family and community, with a new knowledge about potabilization, food production at home and solid waste management that foster a more friendly relationship with the environment.
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