DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.42.15
How to Cite
Plata, Ángela M., & Ibarra Vega, D. (2016). Local perception of the environmental status in the lower basin of the Manzanares river. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (42), 235–255.


Ángela María Plata
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Danny Ibarra Vega
Universidad Sergio Arboleda


Environmental problems affecting hydrographic basins in Colombia are generated by multiple factors, being one of them the lack of environmental culture in local communities living in adjacent areas to the water currents. The main objective of this work was to compile the local community perception about the environmental status of the lower basin of the Manzanares River, located in the department of Magdalena, and to encourage settlers to reflect on their role for the solution of the major problems. In order to achieve this objective, different methodological tools were used: 1) A survey with local people, 2) participatory workshops with students, and 3) environmental and territorial recognition routes. By using these tools, it was possible to collect the perception of the participants about basic environmental components: water, air, soil, flora, fauna and basic sanitation. Two routes were done with different groups and a total of 50 tenth grade students from a school in the area and some university students. This study found that the main environmental problem that the community of the lower basin of the Manzanares river in Santa Marta perceives is water pollution generated by the supply of wastewater and by the uncontrolled disposal of solid wastes; this last cause is linked to the lack of environmental culture, not only in the city residents but also in its visitors.

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