DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.42.11
How to Cite
Acevedo Ortiz, D. A., & Flórez Yepes, G. Y. (2016). Study of regulatory instruments of environmental management of the municipality of Turbo (Antioquia), under the environmental management policies of Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (42), 167–184.


Dayro Alberto Acevedo Ortiz
Universidad de Manizales
Gloria Yaneth Flórez Yepes
Universidad de Manizales


The municipality of Turbo (Antioquia, Colombia) has a great ecosystemic richness and associated with this, and the national policies and regulations, environmental authorities have built various instruments for environmental management, formulated with different policy framework systems with dissimilar methodologies (map scales, normative and methodological approaches), which has caused uncertainty about the articulation, complementarity, harmonization and comprehensiveness of the instruments in the territorial, protection of ecosystems and sustainable development promotion fields. This article is part of one of the results of a Master's degree requirement research project aimed at analyzing how the environmental management instruments in the territorial context (physical-spatial) intersect and affect each other positively or negatively from the environmental management policies and regulations and how these policies have an impact on the ecosystems in the Municipality of Turbo, Antioquia. Methodologically the project was developed under a mixed approach, addressing eight instruments for environmental management and using techniques such as summary cards, meetings with experts using the Delphi technique and Likert’s scale for the application of the survey. Also the geographic information systems were used to perform spatial analysis and a comparative instrument to generate the analysis was developed. The main result shown in this article is an analysis of the role played by national and regional environmental authorities in articulating municipal environmental management instruments. The main conclusion obtained was that the focal shortcomings of the instruments of environmental management in the municipality of Turbo, have their origin in the way planning and formulation of environmental public policy is approached from environmental authorities, as well as in issuing regulations since at SINA level there is no conceptual unity of the scale or approach on the design and orientation of public environmental policy in relation to the territory, which shows conceptual cracks and various disjointed forms for development planning and of the environmental scope.

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