DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2016.42.8
How to Cite
Meave Acuña, M., & Lugo Morin, D. R. (2016). Allocable capacity to agroecotourism in bolivian protected areas. Luna Azul, (42), 89–104.


Mariana Meave Acuña
Universidad Europea en Energía y Medio Ambiente
Diosey Ramón Lugo Morin
Universidad Europea en Energía y Medio Ambiente


This document has the objective to value the allocable capacity assigned to agrotourism in Bolivian protected areas within the framework of ecological economy, Agroecotourism in this nation can become an innovating alternative to enhance the participation of protected areas visitors in local economic activities development. Furthermore, it allows quantifying the amount of people who can visit a protected site without disturbing the ecosystems equilibrium in the area. Methodologically, a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) was applied based on the traditional measuring of physical, real and effective tourism allocable capacity. In the case of the Bolivian agroecosystems protected areas it is possible to observe that there is enough allocable capacity for its operation, which is currently reaching 96%. In addition, it is possible to improve it and increase it according to the ecological, physical and social characteristics of these sites. On the other hand, it is possible to highlight the importance of the economical revenues obtained daily in an individual protected area that corresponds to an average of 404 Bs. Finally, the application of ecological economy allows establishing the value and use of existing resources in the protected areas of national interest in Bolivia. In this way, it is possible to improve protected sites management in financial and environmental terms.

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