The agricultural development of each nation has been a focus of great importance and controversy, particularly because of the way several public policies have been oriented in South America, as well as the different approaches, objectives and outcomes achieved. According to the specific characteristics of countries and their rural territories, and because of the dissimilar results achieved in terms of growth and development, this study aims to provide a comparative analysis of agricultural development of South American nations from the approach to diverse indicators which contribute to interpret the heterogeneity in the results achieved in the sector. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and analysis of the main components was performed. Highly significant difference between countries (p < 0.0001) in relation to factors such as proportion of land in agricultural use, rural population and rural employment, was found. It was found that there is a gap in the agricultural development indicators between some South American countries, being Argentina and Paraguay those with a significant growth in the largest number of indicators.
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